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Our users started asking more and more for a better integrated user experience in Rider. During the ongoing monitoring of our SpecFlow feature requests forum, we noticed something.

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We are so excited about the release of this plugin because our incredible community made it so easy for us to identify a meaningful feature. Our Community Manager, Andreas Willich, and Matthias Koch from JetBrains recently gave a demonstration of the plugin and SpecFlow as part of the JetBrains Rider OSS PowerUps Series. Read all about what it can do in our documentation. Start Scenarios and see the test result within the feature files.

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It also includes things like document formatting, syntax checks, and code generation, just to name a few: The plugin features:

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feature files and the step binding classes you create to automate them (step bindings and hooks). It provides features for navigating between. The plugin is designed to make working with SpecFlow libraries easier.

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